Delete fontagent plug in
Delete fontagent plug in

delete fontagent plug in

delete fontagent plug in

If you need to remove a bundled add-on, check to see if you have duplicates in the /bundled-plugins or /plugin-cache directory. Bundled add-ons can be upgraded or disabled. Remove (do not delete) anything besides Automate and Generator. jar file (if the jar file is from the lib folder) or recreate the zip folder (if its in the classes folder). Go to your Applications folder/ Photoshop CS6/Plugins. In versions later than 2.6, you'll have to recreate the. To remove a bundled add-on (you normally shouldn't have to do this), remove the add-on from the atlassian-bundled-plugins directory and the bundled-plugins directory, otherwise Confluence will just put it back in place on the next startup.

delete fontagent plug in

At Confluence startup, they are copied into the $CONFLUENCE_HOME/bundled-plugins directory, from whence they are loaded. Uninstalling WordPress plugins is remarkably simple. WordPress Cleanup After Uninstalling Plugins.


The first step is to install an FTP program like FileZilla, or see if your hosting provider has their own built-in FTP access tool. That said, some WordPress plugins may refuse to uninstall the traditional way, so you’ll have no choice but to delete it with FTP. Do so, and you’ll have successfully uninstalled the plugin. In most cases, you should use the built-in uninstaller first. Once you click on Delete, WordPress will ask you to confirm your choice. The bundle add ons are located at the directory /confluence/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins. Notice the new Delete option that pops up after we deactivate the plugin. Deleting a Bundled Add-onīundled add-ons can be administered from the Manage Add-ons page in the application's Administration Console. Clear the Confluence caches or restart Confluence for this change to be picked up.

Delete fontagent plug in